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There is also a section of the iMoney application for Amazon Tasks. This section incentivizes users to purchase products from Amazon using their own money. Users are promised a refund of the full value of the goods so long as they keep the product and write a positive review for it.

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Enjoy full access to our latest web application scanning offering designed for modern applications as part of the platform. Safely scan your entire online portfolio for vulnerabilities with a high degree of accuracy without heavy manual effort or disruption to critical web applications. Sign up now.

Enjoy full access to a modern, cloud-based vulnerability management platform that enables you to see and track all of your assets with unmatched accuracy. Purchase your annual subscription today.

Enjoy full access to the only container security offering integrated into a vulnerability management platform. Monitor container images for vulnerabilities, malware and policy violations. Integrate with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) systems to support DevOps practices, strengthen security and support enterprise policy compliance.

Motion detector is one of the main tools available in Security Eye. It is based on the video frame analyzing algorihm. You can use it to protect your home or company from intruders. The motion sensor and masking tool are fully customizable so you can be sure you will not get the false alerts.


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